Hi! I’m Steph.

I’m a Root Cause Practitioner, wife, and dog mom living happily in the sunshine state.

I have spent most of my twenties with debilitating and mysterious chronic health issues that at one point left me completely bedbound.

The Lord graciously met me in my suffering — showing me His gentle care, allowing me to wrestle through my grief, hard questions, and journey with Him.

In this wrestling season, I began to see that wellness is more than physical protocols. It is a spiritual, emotional, mental and physical journey.

Now, I’m seeing encouraging shifts in my health for the first time in years. Currently, I’m not accepting clients in order to continue my education and training to better support my own health journey and, one day, my client’s. You can find my education and credentials below.

“Dear friend, I hope all is well with you and that you are as healthy in body as you are strong in spirit.”

3 John 1:2

  • NTP

    Certified Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (2024)

    Foundational training that is integral to my work as a practitioner. As an NTP, I can identify and address imbalances and nutrient deficiencies in the body through holistic nutrition. Read more about my experience in the NTP program here.

Additional Training

Mastering Mast Cell Activation Summit - Dr. Kelly McCann and Beth O’Hara (2023)