5 Healthy, Gut-Healing Breakfast Ideas

Breakfast is honestly my favorite time of the day. I feel my absolute best in the mornings and usually my stomach is very happy too because it just had a night of fasting and is more readily able to digest food better than it tends to the rest of the day.

Sometimes I can get in a breakfast rut, though, and have the same thing every day.

I thought I’d switch it up this week and try out a few different breakfast recipes that were easy on the gut and added a little bit of fun and magic to my day!

All of these recipes are gluten, dairy, and refined sugar free. Feel free to modify them and add or remove ingredients according to your bioindividual needs.

1. Gluten-Free Avocado Egg Toast

After searching years for the perfect gluten-free bread, I have finally found one I love. For this breakfast meal, I use a slice of Base Culture’s Paleo Bread (you can also substitute this with sweet potato) with some avocado and eggs to top it. I added on a little bit of Everything But the Bagel seasoning by Trader Joe’s… and voila! A hardy, healthy breakfast!

2. Post Workout Vanilla Protein Shake

I’ve been having this shake every day for months. Organifi’s Vanilla Protein acts as a meal replacement shake, so you can use it to help with either weight loss or weight gain (depending on how you’re using it). It’s the cleanest, best-tasting meal replacement shake I’ve tried, even among medical grade foods. Sam and I can’t get enough of this stuff! All of Organifi’s products are Certified Organic, gluten free, dairy free, soy free, and vegan too. Their commitment to 3rd party testing to ensure there’s no mold or mycotoxins in their ingredients plus the energy, muscle repair, and weight gain I’ve had since drinking this shake has made me a believer! If you want to try it for yourself, use the code STEPHWITT for 20% off any purchase!

3. Egg & Broccoli Breakfast Bowl

What this meal lacks in aesthetic, it makes up for in taste. Also, can you tell I’m a fan of Everything But the Bagel seasoning? For this easy breakfast bowl, I just saute some broccoli rice on the stove with some eggs and throw it into a bowl. I love fried eggs! When the yolk is still runny… it tastes the best!

4. Antioxidant-Loaded Acai Bowl

Ooooh, girl. Who doesn’t love a good ol’ acai bowl! This is a good breakfast option if you’re trying to go egg-less! For the base, I use bananas, acai, and my secret ingredient… Organifi’s Red Juice! This superfood powder is chock FULL of antioxidants to help with anti-aging and this stuff is SO energizing. I drink it every single morning, but I’ve never had it in food before. So glad that’s changed! It definitely gives this acai bowl an even fruitier flavor. I didn’t even need to use any sweetener! If you want to try the Red superfood blend for yourself, use the code STEPHWITT for 20% off any purchase!

5. Paleo Mickey Waffles

Now, for my favorite recipe… Paleo Mickey Waffles!!! If you want to transform ANY waffle recipe into Mickey Waffles, this is the Waffle Maker we use and we LOVE it. It’s super small and easy to store. For the pancake base (or is it batter?) I used Birch Bender’s Paleo Pancake Mix and instead of adding water, I add a little bit of coconut milk. I feel like that makes the pancakes a little bit creamier and taste better! You can always add in some yummy chocolate chips or top these with whatever you’re feeling. I drizzled some 100% Pure Maple Syrup to enjoy on these pancakes. This isn’t something I’d eat every day, but it is definitely a nice treat to have without compromising a healing diet!

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