Vegan Vanilla Soft Serve

I love a good smoothie bowl.

And this one is SO soothing on the gut. It was one of the first things I started to eat as I was recovering from a severe gastritis flare & I knew it had to be the first recipe I included in my gastritis eats series.

All of the recipes in this series are GF/DF & they’re designed as more food reintroduction meal/snacks than full blown meals – because after you’ve been nauseous or sick for a while, your stomach may not be ready for a big bowl of salmon and veggies.

You may need to eat smaller portions throughout the day and make sure not to eat till you’re too full.

If you missed my extensive survival guide on how to survive a severe gastritis flare, go back here.

In the meantime, here’s the 1st recipe in this short gastritis series… a gut healing Vanilla “Nice Cream” or soft serve recipe!



Banana is a go to BRAT diet staple & the BRAT diet is a safe bet when you are suffering from bad reflux or gastritis. Bananas have lots of nutrients, especially potassium (which after having to get a potassium IV in the ER over the course of 4 hours, I can tell you, you never want to be potassium deficient).


Cucumbers are high in nutrients and extremely hydrating. Hydration is SUPER important when you are dealing with gastritis and may not be as thirsty or hungry as normal. You want to make sure you’re staying hydrated or the nausea could worsen (as well as other digestive functions). They’re also soothing to the gut & help thicken your soft serve smoothie.

Dairy Free Milk

While it’s best to homemake milk as much as possible, I was in no shape to be in the kitchen and up and about when I was at the worst of my gastritis. So, I opted for unsweetened MALK at Whole Foods. I also like the brand Elmhurst. These are both very clean brands with no gums or additives that can agitate the gut. If you can’t tolerate nut milk, I’d opt for coconut milk or your favorite alternative.

Nuzest’s Digestive Support Protein

Most protein powders are filled with gut irritating ingredients that can make it hard to heal your gut. Nuzest’s Digestive Support Protein is the first protein powder I’ve seen that is actually formulated to HEAL the gut. It is by far cleaner than the majority of elemental diets and medical food grade products I’ve seen. It comes with 5 ingredients including pea protein, L-Glutamine, vanilla, bacillus coagluans, and a small amount of coconut sugar.

Each of these ingredients are easily digestible and extremely healing for the gut (minus the coconut sugar but it’s a more natural, unprocessed form of sugar – which is why it’s allowed even under a paleo diet).

Want $15 off to try it yourself? Buy it here.

Items You Might Need

You can make this with any blender, but WOW OH WOW can I just say my Vitamix is the best investment I’ve ever made. If you’re on the fence… do it! Here are some things that might be helpful for you to have to make this recipe.

What You’ll Need

How to Make It

  1. Add banana, cucumber, and milk to blender.

  2. Blend on slow speed and move the speed up every 20 seconds or so until you get a more soft serve consistency with your smoothie. You may need to stop it and move the smoothie around with a spoon if you don't have a Vitamix tamper.

  3. Remove blender top and add in 1 scoop of the Digestive Support Protein. This is a good time to add in additional supplements you may be taking or optional ingredients like almond butter + manuka honey to taste.

  4. Blend again the same way and enjoy!

  5. NOTE: If you added too much milk or the consistency is not as thick as you'd like, add 5-8 ice cubes after step 4 and that should do the trick.

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Gut Healing Creamy Rice Puree


Gelatin Blueberry Gummy Bears